Sunday 29 November 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 1/12/09

Its nearly Christmas and the children are very excited. We are busy rehearsing for our Christmas concert ,learning the songs and dances.
Please can we have all Christmas costumes in by 4/12/09. thank you.

Events this month-
visit to Santa in the Heritage park.
Visit from our local Fire service.
Trip to Wimpy Homes.
Christmas concert.
Christmas party.
Visit from Santa to school.
Story teller.
Visit local day center to sing Christmas carols

Some of our class displays this term. 28/11/09

We made this big Humpty Dumpty wall using different materials . We worked with our talking partners to build the wall.

Our self registration tree

Firemen visit our school

To link with our investigation of different buckets and what they are used for. We had a visit from our local fire department for them to show us their buckets.

Xander tries on the Fire helmet.
We sat in the fire engine

music time

We have been learning to beat in twos.

Brioney drawing of her hamster.

Our weekly visit to Ysgol Hen Felin

This week we were exploring with different music and space.

Travis with Roxanna from Ysgol Hen Felin.

We celebrated PINK day

Lots of us wore pink clothes to school and we gave money to Cancer research.

We coloured pictures using pink pencils.chalks,paint etc...
We used different pink mediums to create our own pink pictures.

Saturday 31 October 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 31/10/09

Hope you have had a nice week off from school with your families.
We will continue this half term to learn new nursery rhymes and explore the changes in our garden.

As the Festive time is drawing near i hope to give you this week the dates of our Christmas concerts and parties so you can make arrangements.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday

Miss Mathias.

History of Gelli school

This is a picture of our display on the History of our school which we worked on with classes 2,3,4.

Working together

The children from Miss carlys class(year 3) helped us make photo frames from sticks and leaves from our garden.

making a clock face for Hickory Dickory Dock

We made a wall from jelly

We made lots of rectangle jelly moulds to see if we could build a wall . What would happen to the wall? How could we stick the jelly bricks together? Could our Humpty Dumpty egg sit on the wall?


Every Tuesday we cook with Miss Owen. THis week we made star pizzas.
Tyler rolling out the pizza base.
This week our nursery rhyme is Twinkle Twinkle little star so we made star shaped pizzas.
cleaning up .

Eating our star Pizzas. " They are lovely and soft and taste like tomato sauce" Tyler

Helpur Heddiew

Josh and Tyler with their certificates for being helpers of the day.
Our helpers encourages the other children to speak Welsh and they also give Welsh commands to each other. Other jobs are -going on messages, helping within the class ,leading class circle time and laying the dinner table.

Thank you to Lo-Cost Treorchy

Here we are with the managers of the shop. They were very kind and gave us lots of chocolates and sweets for our UGLY BUGS BALL. Thank you very much.

We made scary masks and Lo- cost in Treorchy displayed them in their shop.

Making our sensory path

Mr Jones the caretaker helped us make our sensory path.
Using the wheel barrow to carry the materials we need.

Stapling the covering to the wood to stop the grass growing through.

Filling the path with different Welsh materials.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Working with the community

As a school we are trying to build links with local business and the community. We would appreciate if you have any ideas or links to the above ,please call in to the nursery class.

Links set up so far for September 2009.

Wimpy- building contractors . Thanks to Ebony Hams dad.
Tyre shop on Gelli Industrial estate . Thanks to Lisa Morris

September 2009.

Welcome to class 1 blog Autumn term 2009.
Each week I will up date the page with pictures of your child's experiences and any information you as parents might need.

This term our theme will involve exploring Nursery Rhymes, Autumn and festivals. If you have any pictures, books etc... that you would like to share with us please give to your child to bring into school.

Dates for the dairy.
  1. 1st day at school photos Rhonnda Leader-29th September
  2. Grandparents concert .1pm. 2nd October
  3. Banados Harvest assembly for children- 16th October
  4. Class 1 visit to St Fagins- Visit the tress. 11th November
  5. Inset day. School closed for children. 27th November

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Sunday 17 May 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 17th May

A huge thank you to all parents,grandparents,children etc... for taking part in our Focus week. The children's Thai costumes were beautiful and many parents brought in photographs and artifacts linked to Thailand. Also a big thank you to all our guests this week especially Walee and Georgia from Treorchy Comprehensive school. We all had a great week with lots of fun and exploring.
Walee playing a Thai game with us

Focus week may 2009

Walee was born in Thailand. She lives in Wales today. She come into our class to tell us all about Thailand and teach us Thai dancing.