Wednesday 11 February 2009

Role play

Role play in our castle far far away. Re acting Snow white and the seven dwarf's.

Jolly Phonics activities

Looking through the magnetic letters to form their names.

Jake and Ceiran working together to write thier letters.

Alife writing his letters in shaving form.
Eco Council

Alife Dunning and Katie Darlington have been voted as the nursery representatives for the Eco Council.

Having fun in the snow in our garden. Monday 9th February.

Collecting snow to make snowballs.
We threw our snowballs to see which went the longest distance.
Ben has made a snowball.

Mason tries to break the ice on the pond.
Having fun walking in the snow

Our finished snowman. We put Degans hat on him.
When we walked to the main garden. The pond had frozen

Monday 9 February 2009

Mums,dads grandparents etc... pleases could you recycle your cereal boxes and bring them to school. We will be making something from them. Wait and see on our blog what we are going to make.

We made a snowman together. We used stones for eyes and stick for his nose and arms.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Having fun in our sand pit. This photo was taken by Bailey Kinsey. Bailey asked the children to smile.
Liam Miles has been exploring with different stones,jewels and rocks. Here he is making a "special cake for our Queen who lives in London. We will have to post it to her as London is too far to go" (quoted by Liam)

  1. A big thank you to all parents,grandparents ... for recycling their milk bottles. As you can see the igloo is finished and the children love playing inside. Thank you to Mrs Jones who helped the children make this.

We have been learning about how plants grow. We know plants need water. We have been looking after daffodils. Each day somebody cheeks to see if they need water.

Helpu Heddiew

Last week Ceiran Gealy was our helper of the day. Each day the children choose someone to be their Helpu Heddiew. This child will help others to put their coats on/off ,go on messages around the school , become front leader when lining up and other tasks helping and sharing.

Weekend bags.

Every Friday your child will bring home a bag containing a story book which you and your child can read together. Talk about the pictures, whats happening, what character did they like?, what is going to happen next?. You can also look at the letters and link them with the Jolly Phonics.
Also , in the bag will be Jolly Phonics flash cards which you can practice with your child the letter sound and recogntion of the letter.

Floppy the dog will also be sent out on the weekend with 1 child. Every child will have a turn.
Your child has to look after Floppy and let him take part in your childs weekend activities. Please write with your child about Floppys weekend in the diary. You can also include photos and drawings. On Monday your child will show and tell about Floppys weekend.