Tuesday 31 March 2009

Making egg and cress sandwiches.

Buttering the bread .

Peeling the shell of the eggs
mixing the egg and cress together

Putting the egg and cress in the bread. We cut the sandwiches in 2
Cleaning away our dirty dishes.

Eating our egg and cress sandwiches on our log circle.

Sunday 29 March 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 29/3/09

This is the last week in school before we break up for Easter. The week will be full of Easter activities . E.G. Easter bonnet parade, Easter egg hunt ,cooking Easter cakes etc...
We finish on Friday and return to school On Tuesday21st April.

Several children will be moving to the reception class after Easter and the staff would like to wish them good luck and to say it has been lovely to have watched them develop during their time in the nursery class. It has been a pleasure to have taught them . A huge thank you to the parents for their support.

Hope you all have a very Happy Easter.

DT activity

Katie and Degan working together to make the crane move

Making flower pots from old wellington boots

Filling the wellington boots with soil and flower seeds. Can you see them around the school.

Making a path from logs

Ben and Molly

Honeyand Keesha working together to carry the logs.

This week has been assessment week. We have been testing the children on their mathematical understanding.
re acting Snow white and the seven draws on our stage.
Thanks to Miss Hatch ,Miss Pennington and Mrs Date for our new road markings.

Constuction site

Working together building a fire station.

Friday 20 March 2009

Investigating how water moves. Marcg 18th 2009

Having fun investigating water.
Abbie and Ben exploring with the water wheel

Working together exploring how water moves.
Degan pouring water in the cups. Does the wheel turn?

Ebony and Degan filling up the water wheel cups

Monday 16 March 2009

Having fun exploring in the warm weather

Making circles from sticks

Collecting sticks to make our circle shapes.

Travis made a circle from sticks

Stepping stones

Jumping from log to log

Degan and Jacob/Cameran from reception class climbing the trees.
Making our water wheel from cups and an old bike wheel.

Starting our lesson sitting in our log circle.
Dylan O and Lillie drawing on the white board.
Exploring in the water

Saturday 14 March 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 13.3.09

Thank you for your donations on Friday for Red nose day ,it is much appreciated especially in today's finacial times.
Over the next 2 weeks we will be looking at our school, Past and present. If you have any photographs, old work books or if you yourself attended Gelli school i would appreciate if you could speak to me over the next couple of days. Thank you for your support

Building together.

Ceiran and Travis playing together in the construction room. This is Travis's 1st week in school.

Red nose day.March 13th 2009

We all wore our pyjamas to school.

Painting pebbles in our PJS

Making our creative cube

Cutting ribbon to tie around the cube.

Mr Jones our caretaker brought his puppy in to show us.

Look how small he is.

Making our mothers day cards.

Making clay models of Renoirs Blue Lady

Enjoying themselves exploring with clay to make the Blue Lady.

Kiah rolling the clay to make the BLUE LADY her dress.

Megan's finished BLUE LADY by RENOIR.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

A note from Miss Mathias. 11.3.09

Thank you to all the parents and children for their home tasks. We have displayed them in the classroom. Please come in and have a look. If you have not sent yours in yet please still do as we have lots of room to display them.

This weekend some children have new Jolly phonic letters in the homework bag. Book 3 letters. Please still practice book 1 and 2 letters. (letter sounds, recognition and writing of letters.)

A big sorry for putting the tree house in the cloak room. I sometimes think i have good ideas.
I think i must have lost some weight this week bending in and out of the tree entrance.

Remember RED NOSE day Friday. Wear something mad

Making a mobile from recycled material