Sunday 29 November 2009

Note from Miss Mathias. 1/12/09

Its nearly Christmas and the children are very excited. We are busy rehearsing for our Christmas concert ,learning the songs and dances.
Please can we have all Christmas costumes in by 4/12/09. thank you.

Events this month-
visit to Santa in the Heritage park.
Visit from our local Fire service.
Trip to Wimpy Homes.
Christmas concert.
Christmas party.
Visit from Santa to school.
Story teller.
Visit local day center to sing Christmas carols

Some of our class displays this term. 28/11/09

We made this big Humpty Dumpty wall using different materials . We worked with our talking partners to build the wall.

Our self registration tree

Firemen visit our school

To link with our investigation of different buckets and what they are used for. We had a visit from our local fire department for them to show us their buckets.

Xander tries on the Fire helmet.
We sat in the fire engine

music time

We have been learning to beat in twos.

Brioney drawing of her hamster.

Our weekly visit to Ysgol Hen Felin

This week we were exploring with different music and space.

Travis with Roxanna from Ysgol Hen Felin.

We celebrated PINK day

Lots of us wore pink clothes to school and we gave money to Cancer research.

We coloured pictures using pink pencils.chalks,paint etc...
We used different pink mediums to create our own pink pictures.