Monday 7 November 2011

Hickory Dickory Dock the mouse ran up the clock

We put our spider glasses on to look for webs

Making spider webs in shaving foam

Incey Wincey Spider

I am playing in the nursery rhyme shoe. I am Incey spider

playing a listenning nursery rhyme game

I made a firework picture

Making fireworks

Making milk shake.

Bella the dog come to visit us.

We have been learning the song Hey Diddle Diddle. We have been throwing a bean bag over the hoop . This is how the cow jumped over the moon.

We made smell pots from things we found in the garden

Mixing our smelly pots

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Grandparents concert

We built a wall with Colin the caretaker for Humpty Dumpty

Getting the sand to make the cement

Our first term in Gelli nursery

listening to a story with Miss Mathias